Oh, But Bobo Would Love It

My aunt’s house had a side yard that was surrounded on three sides by fencing and on the fourth side by her house.  There were steps where one could go down into the side yard.  When I would visit my aunt, Bobo would frequently stop, take the bowing position, and they bark at me as he ran toward the side  yard.  I knew that Bobo was saying, “come on, let’s play.”

In all the years since Bobo left us I have a only a few dreams about his, but the dreams I have had were all about Bobo and me playing.  The first dream, many years after I had last seen Bobo was during the day.  I had dozed of and I dreamed that Bobo and I were running on the bald hill that I mentioned in another one of my posts.  He was running along side me and would growl lightly and reach up with his open mouth and take my wrist.   In the dream, it wasn’t frightening, and would not have been in real life either, but the dog slobber was  running down my wrist and hand as Bobo insisted that I let him chase me.  In this dream I never let him chase me, but we did run side by side and it was just like he really did.  When Bobo was really in a playful mood  he would take my hand or wrist in his mouth, gently, and softly growl.

bobo-snowOne of the most vivid dreams I had about Bobo was a few years ago. I dreamed that Bobo and I were playing in the snow.   I  hate snow and cold weather, so I dont’ know why I dreamed this.  The snow wasn’t very deep, maybe three or four inches and Bobo was having the time of his life running in the snow and shoveling the snow with his long snout.  He would stop, stick his nose in the snow, shake his head and then run again. He was determined to make a path through the snow so that he could see the grass, I guess.



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